Jan 19, 2014 | General Pontification
My friend Amy just shared this with me and I felt it so strongly I had to post it. I can’t find the source, if you know please tell me so I can give credit where it is due!
Mar 29, 2013 | General Pontification
explosions of light bathe sound in energy and sound is what makes light dance as it reaches me. In delicacy I find my dreams sharpening to points driving stakes into the fertile ground. Even fences learn to grow again...
Apr 25, 2012 | About Nate, General Pontification
I was relaxing on the grass with some friends after my set at White Mountain Folk Festival last year when a young couple sitting beside me said hello and then, “We’ve decided you are like Yoda, you’re wise and have much to teach us,” said the...
Mar 22, 2012 | About Nate, General Pontification
I don’t know exactly when this started but suddenly people keep telling me words which have my name in them. Some of my favourite (and least favourite) so far: orNATE impregNATE (oh dear god please no) lamiNATE illumiNATE fasciNATE procrastiNATE (guilty, hehe)...
Mar 10, 2012 | About Nate, General Pontification
My lovely friend ScarletNguni has won the Liebster Blog Award and passed it on to me, for which I am happily grateful! Thank you for believing in my blogging prowess, you rock too (see her incredible review of a recent show I played with some friends)! The Liebster...
Mar 9, 2012 | General Pontification
A long time ago a powerful king called two of his closest advisors before him and told them to go into the world, then return to him and tell him what they discovered about the people they met. After some time had passed the two advisors returned and stood again...
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